Norfolk's most sewage-ridden beach is set to benefit from a potential £75m funding package of water network improvements in the Great Yarmouth area.

The money set aside by Anglian Water is part of its battle plan to improve its sewage and drainage systems in the the borough.

The company divided the allocated budget in its next business plan between 15 sites in the area that it wants to work on between 2025 and 2030, including Caister, Great Yarmouth, Martham and Runham.

It is hoped that the proposed investment will ultimately reduce flooding, reduce the amount of sewage leaked into the waterways, and improve bathing water quality.

Data shows that Caister had the highest number of discharges out of the county's beaches last year, with wastewater released for more than 560 hours during 106 spills.

The village has had the largest sum of cash set aside, £26m, to improve drainage, hoping to reduce the volume of sewage released into the North Sea.

There are also concerns about sewage discharges occurring frequently at nearby Gorleston beach, with Gorleston Coastwatch team posting daily updates about the water quality levels on their Facebook page.

Gary Boyd (L) with fellow Caister on Sea councillor Penny Carpenter (R) Gary Boyd (L) with fellow Caister on Sea councillor Penny Carpenter (R) (Image: Gary Boyd) Gary Boyd, Conservative councillor representing Caister: “I’m delighted to see the extra funding promised to Caister-on-sea.

"All of the Caister councillors have met with Anglian Water on multiple occasions and reiterated the importance of tackling the sewage situation.

"I will say it again - Caister-on-sea is a beautiful part of the world, that we must safeguard and protect for future generations.”

READ MORE: Caister locals demand action on sewage discharges at beach

An Anglian Water spokeswoman said: "We are pleased to propose a £75m investment for Great Yarmouth as part of our next business plan.

"If approved by Ofwat, this will enable us to work in partnership with Norfolk County Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, businesses and the community to introduce storm tanks and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

"In turn, this will reduce flooding incidents and enhance protection of our local waters in the area."

Sewage dischargeSewage discharge (Image: Archive.)

The sites outlined for the funding are as follows:

  • Caister Headworks pumping station

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Caister Water Recycling Centre

£9,500 to install new monitoring

£26 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

People enjoying the sand and sea at Caister beachPeople enjoying the sand and sea at Caister beach (Image: Newsquest)

  • Gorleston Brush Bend Overflow

£7 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

  • Gorleston Baker Street pumping station

£7 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Great Yarmouth Suffling Road pumping station

£5 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Great Yarmouth Boundary Road pumping station

£8.5 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

£590,000 to install a new screen

  • Great Yarmouth Bryants Quay pumping station

£485,000 to install a new screen

£4 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Great Yarmouth Garrison Road pumping station

£2.7 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

£614,000 to install a new screen

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Great Yarmouth Tar Works Road pumping station

£55,000 to install new monitoring

£600,000 to install a new screen

  • Great Yarmouth Town Hall pumping station

£1.6 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

£53,000 to install new monitoring

  • Great Yarmouth North Denes/Jellico Road pumping station

£1.6 million to reduce overflows by installing new storm storage and SuDS

£280,000 to install a new screen

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Great Yarmouth Stown Suffolk Road pumping station

£450,000 to install a new screen

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Martham Hall Road pumping station

£55,000 to install new monitoring

  • Runham

£6 million first-time sewerage scheme – bringing mains sewers to the village

  • Runham Side Gate pumping station

£55,000 to install new monitoring

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