James Paget University Hospital in Gorleston is looking for additional volunteer befrienders to come and support patients heading into the busy autumn and winter months.

At a special open day being held at the hospital’s Louise Hamilton Centre on Wednesday, September 25 between 11.30am and 5pm, anyone over the age of 17 who is interested in volunteering their time to help befriend patients can come and find out more about the opportunities available.

John Gilligan, volunteer coordinator at the James Paget, said: “Befriending can be vital for patients who don’t have family or regular visitors, and who would value someone to talk to, play games with or provide help at mealtimes.

"The open day is a great chance to find out more about the role, and how you can get involved – any time volunteered is appreciated.”

The Apollo Project, a workforce programme being delivered in partnership with the James Paget, East Coast College and NHS England, will also be in attendance at the open day, providing information on the support the project provides in helping people into job roles in health and care.

You can also contact the volunteer coordinator at VolunteerCoordinator@jpaget.nhs.uk or call 01493 453546 for further information or to sign up.