A ploughing match is taking place near Great Yarmouth next month to raise money for a farming charity.

The Norfolk branch of RABI (the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution) is holding its charity ploughing match on October 6, hosted by Mautby Farms.

The organising committee said they are "raring to go" with the event, after the disappointment of cancelling last year's match at the last minute due to appalling weather.

With competition classes for vintage trailed, vintage mounted, reversable 2-4 furrows, reversable 5-6 furrows and "classic style" machines, the event promises "something for all ploughing enthusiasts".

Norwich-based farm machinery dealer Ben Burgess will also be bringing two "dynos" to test the horsepower of tractors of all ages.

The Norfolk RABI Ploughing Match takes place on Sunday, October 6, at Church Farm, Mautby, NR29 3JA. Ploughing starts from 10am, arrival from 8am. Spectators are welcome, refreshments will be available and organisers say there will be plenty of parking spaces.

For more information or entries contact Dameon on 07548 829587 or NorfolkRabi@gmail.com.