A striking aerial photo captures most of Great Yarmouth borough in one sweeping view, from the piers and beaches of the coast to the fields and villages stretching inland.

The picture was taken by local photographer Mike Page on Wednesday morning, September 4, and shows the borough's patchwork unfolding in a way that few get to see—a tapestry of coastline, winding rivers and industrial harbour life.

In the distance, the wind turbines of Scroby Sands seem to float on top of an unusually blue North Sea, while Wellington and Britannia Piers extend like arms across the sands.

In the forefront is the James Paget University Hospital and the A47 as it heads to Lowestoft.

Mr Page said the photo, taken at an altitude of 4,000 feet, was "opportunistic".

"We were just flying south of Yarmouth and I saw the shot on the right side and so I took it."

He has been taking aerial photos of the region since the late 1960s but this picture is the first to offer such an expansive view of the borough.

"I don't think I've got one, in all of my library, as good as that. I tried and tried in the past but couldn't get anything similar," he said.