A teenage sailor was aided by a Great Yarmouth-based energy company during his record-breaking and eco-friendly voyage.

Equinor provided 18-year-old Harry Besley with essential overnight battery charging for his electric boat during his epic UK coastal circumnavigation.

Mr Besley embarked on the trip, the first of its kind for an electric boat, to raise awareness of the potential of electric boats to reduce coastal pollution and emissions.

Harry Besley needed overnight power for to charge the battery of his electric rigid inflatable boat at Great Yarmouth Harry Besley needed overnight power to charge the battery of his electric rigid inflatable boat at Great Yarmouth (Image: Submitted)

Richard Gourlay, leader operations – marine, planning and logistics at Equinor, said: “We saw this as an opportunity to raise awareness about the need for ports to start looking into charging facilities for vessels, especially as electrification in the industry is becoming more commonplace.

“We wanted to showcase that even a small adjustment to our facilities could help in this regard and highlight the possibilities of greener vessels."

The diligent planning and drive displayed by Mr Besley was acknowledged by Equinor, with Mr Gourlay praising the young sailor, saying: “His commitment to the challenge, and the potential impact of its work, was truly inspiring, not just for our team but for everyone who had the privilege of meeting him.”