It was a building that gained a cult following for its infamously bad wax sculptures.

Now traders in Great Yarmouth are concerned rough sleepers by the former Louis Tussauds House of Wax are costing them business and making customers avoid nearby shops.

It is reported that over the past several weeks, "more and more" people have been using the outside of the former wax works museum in Regent Road as a place to drink alcohol, argue and sleep for the night.

The entranceway to the former House of Wax has been used by people sleeping rough.The entranceway to the former House of Wax has been used by people sleeping rough. (Image: James Weeds) A nearby business owner, who wished to remain anonymous, said people sleeping rough in the area is impacting trade.

"We are a seasonal town and we need to make our money this time of year," the trader said. "When they are loitering and making lots of noise, it will have a knock-on effect and people won't want to come inside the shops.

"With the ongoing cost of living crisis, people are trying to do what they can. And this doesn't help. I would like to see something done about it as the season continues."

The old wax works museum on Regent Road.The old wax works museum on Regent Road. (Image: James Weeds) The trader also raised concerns that as the people sleeping in the old museum's doorway are "out of shot of CCTV cameras," traders are afraid to ask them to move elsewhere.

Dennis Gavan, who has been trading on Regent Road for the past 20 years, said he has seen a sharp rise in people sleeping rough in the area.

"I feel a bit sorry for them," said Mr Gavan. "More and more of them are young men - no older than their early 20s. They just go in there to sleep.

"It is difficult. I mean them no harm, but it puts people off."

Mr Gavan said while the people sleeping around the museum are "not much of a disturbance during the daytime," they often drink on the street, argue and can be noisy in the evenings.

He added: "People might not feel comfortable walking around here at night."

Jade Martin, councillor for Northgate and Central ward, said:  "This is an awful situation for everyone involved. No one should be sleeping rough in today’s world and I feel for those businesses struggling. 

"I hope working together with the outreach homeless teams we can get this situation sorted quickly and in most compassionate way for all involved."


FLASHBACK: Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan inside House of Wax.FLASHBACK: Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan inside House of Wax. (Image: Newsquest Archives) For more than 50 years, Louis Tussauds House of Wax was a touristic staple in the town, attracting thousands of visitors and media coverage from around the globe.

Building their collection over decades and featuring celebrities such as Mr Bean, Frank Bruno and Jason Donovan, husband and wife Peter and Jane Hayes amassed more than 150 wax works.

FLASHBACK: A Fiona Bruce-looking Princess Diana wax work formerly in Great Yarmouth.FLASHBACK: A Fiona Bruce-looking Princess Diana wax work formerly in Great Yarmouth. (Image: Newsquest Archives) The museum gained a cult following for its assortment of garish, barely look-a-likes, including a chamber of horrors containing effigies of the likes of Peter Sutcliffe, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Mr and Mrs Hayes decided to close it in 2012. Then in their 80s, the couple were unable to find buyers for the attraction and later turned the building into a home. 

The entire wax works collection was snapped up by a private buyer in Czechia two years later.

FLASHBACK: Louis Tussauds House of Wax.FLASHBACK: Louis Tussauds House of Wax. (Image: Newsquest Archives)