A 91-year-old died after she was “clipped by a car” in a busy seaside town – just metres away from a pedestrian crossing, a court has heard.  

Joyce McColgan, who lived at St Augustine’s Place care home on Addison Road in Great Yarmouth, had been walking across the road at nearby Southtown Road on September 25 last year. 

At around 5.30pm she was crossing the junction with Beccles Road when she collided with the side mirror of a Suzuki Grand Vitara. 

Great Yarmouth Mercury: Southtown Road in Great Yarmouth

The mirror glass cracked, and she fell to the ground hitting her head and sustaining life-threatening injuries. 

The grandmother and mother-of-two had been just 35 metres away from a pelican crossing. 

Evidence was read out from a Forensic Collision Investigation report at an inquest into her death at Norfolk Coroner’s Court on April 4. 

Police constable Graham Brookes said: “The pelican crossing would have offered a far safer, albeit longer route, across Southtown Road. 

“While the contact with the vehicle was relatively minor in nature it was sufficient to cause her to fall to the ground. 

“But it seems more likely than not that the fall caused more injury than the actual contact with the vehicle.” 

McColgan died at the James Paget Hospital five days on September 30. 

Hannah Hobson witnessed the moments immediately before and after while eating a meal in her overlooking flat. 

She said: “I saw a woman walking on the pavement and I commented to my mum 'don’t cross there, there’s a pedestrian crossing up the road’.  

“I then went back to eating my dinner and 10 seconds later I heard a thud and thought that it didn’t sound good. 

“I looked out of my front window and saw a woman on the floor.” 

The driver, who lived locally and was familiar with the area, said she had been travelling around 25mph at the time. 

“She just stepped out,” she said. “I put my foot on the brake, but she hit the mirror. 

"I thought she was going to stop, but she just continued to walk straight into the side of my car. 

“I attempted to swerve but it all happened so quick, I didn't have time to.  

“I stopped immediately and went to help.” 

Great Yarmouth Mercury:

Area coroner, Samantha Goward, summed up the evidence for the court, based at County Hall in Norwich. 

She said: “For reasons unknown, she stepped out in front of a car and was hit by the door mirror causing her to fall and hit her head. 

“We don’t know what was happening at the time. We don’t know if she didn’t see the car or was a bit confused. 

“But for reasons unknown she obviously stepped out just as the car was approaching.” 

Mrs Goward concluded that Mrs Colgan died as a result of a road traffic accident. 


Great Yarmouth Mercury: Joyce McColgan

Joyce Gertrude McColgan was born in Great Yarmouth on August 26, 1932. She attended the local schools and went on to work as a shop assistant. 

She was married to James McColgan, known by all as Jim, and they celebrated 64 years together. They also had two children and numerous grandchildren. 

St Augustine’s Place care home manager, Danielle Bullent, described how she would enjoy going for walks with her walking stick - sometimes going as far as the Pier Hotel in Gorleston for a sandwich. 

She said: “She would sometimes do a bit of gardening and she was social and would mix with other tenants.” 

She was also involved with the volunteer-run Great Yarmouth & Gorleston Memory Club.  

A funeral announcement – which appeared in this newspaper – described her as a “devoted wife” who would be “sadly missed by family and many friends.”  

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