Sports, leisure and wellbeing organisations and businesses across Great Yarmouth are being invited to express interest for funding.

Great Yarmouth Borough Council is seeking expressions of interest in Sports and Wellbeing package grants, funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

A simple expression of interest form can be completed online until Friday, November 3, and can be found online.

The grants will cover up to a maximum of 50pc of eligible project costs, £4,732 capital or £4,000 revenue, whichever is lower.

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Once the call for expressions of interest closes, applicants will be contacted by the council's leisure strategy and contract manager by November 17 who will advise whether a full application should be submitted.

Councillor Daniel Candon, the council's portfolio holder for economic development and growth, said: "This is a great opportunity for local businesses and organisations in the sports, leisure and well-being sectors to express their interest in the available funding which could help support their communities health and well-being.”
