A merger of two accountancy firms has been hailed as ensuring the future of a village business. 

Stephenson Smart has taken over from Hines Harvey Woods on The Street in Acle.

It is the second office in east Norfolk for the firm which opened a branch in Gorleston in 2015.

Hines Harvey Woods was founded in 2000 and its last original partner, Sara Harvey, is due to retire next March.

She will stay on until then as a consultant, alongside Andrew Fryer, who will also act as a consultant and remain in the role for at least two years.

Great Yarmouth Mercury: Left to right: Andrew Fryer, consultant, Sara Harvey, consultant, Henry Pettitt, partner and Stephen Pease, associate director. Left to right: Andrew Fryer, consultant, Sara Harvey, consultant, Henry Pettitt, partner and Stephen Pease, associate director. (Image: Keiron Tovell Photography)

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Stephen Pease, a director at Hines Harvey Woods for 14 years, has become an associate director to work alongside Stephenson Smart partner Henry Pettitt, who is also partner at the Gorleston office.

Ms Harvey said: “It was important to me as I head towards retirement and I’m thinking about the succession of the business that we looked for a company that was a good fit for our ethos, our clients, and our staff.

“Stephenson Smart stood out straight away because of the way it provides its client services.

"I could see we had a strong common ground and they, like us, have some clients that have spanned generations," she added.

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Mr Pettitt said merging the two companies ensured the long-term future of the Acle business and its 15 staff.

“Hines Harvey Woods is well established and respected and there was a lot of synergy between us, such as the way we support our business and personal clients, provide advice, and our hands-on approach.

“We were also really fortunate that the acquisition comes with some extremely talented and hardworking staff to continue building our offer across Norfolk," he added.

Stephenson Smart was established in 1920 and has seven offices in the region.