An order that tackles nuisance boy racers on Great Yarmouth seafront has been extended for another three years.

On Thursday night a Public Space Protection Order extension was approved at a full meeting of Great Yarmouth Borough Council.

The extension of the order from February next year for another three years along the seafront had been requested by the town's police.

The order means drivers can be fined and warned for driving at excessive speed, sudden and rapid acceleration, performing stunts, excessively beeping horns, playing amplified music too loudly and dropping litter from cars.

A new clause was also added to the order on Thursday concerning “the unnecessary or excessive revving of a motor vehicle’s engine causing or being likely to cause a nuisance to a person in the locality of the restricted area”. 

The request for the extension involved a public consultation, which saw the vast majority of 104 respondees saying they had witnessed vehicle-related anti-social behaviour.