More than 600 drivers were caught speeding in Norfolk during a week of targeted action. 

Organised by charity Brake, Roads Safety Week ran from November 14 to 20.

Norfolk Constabulary has more than 80 Community Speed Watch groups across the county.

Over the week, the groups completed speed watch activities in their areas. 

This period of increased action saw speeds from 769 vehicles being recorded over 107 checking sessions in Norfolk. 

Of that figure, 638 drivers were issued initial warning letters advising them of how their behaviour can have serious consequences.

A further 43 drivers were issued with final warning letters reminding them that inappropriate speed is the largest contributory factor in road deaths.

Those 43 drivers were also told that any further offences will result in further action being taken.

Sgt Sam Burton of the Community Safety team said: "Speed watch is not about catching as many speeding drivers as possible but to educate drivers around speeding and how dangerous this can be."

If you are interested in setting up a team within your local community, email