Concerned residents have spoken of their fears after a man indecently exposed himself to children in a usually quiet community.

Great Yarmouth Mercury: London Road South, Lowestoft. Photo: James Carr.London Road South, Lowestoft. Photo: James Carr. (Image: Archant)

Police continue to hunt for the man after the worrying ordeal in Lowestoft last month.

At around 5.15pm on Monday, September 17, a man dropped his trousers and indecently exposed himself to children in an alleyway between London Road South and Kirkley Cliff Road.

Officers are exploring the possibility the incident is linked to a similar indecent exposure the day before.

Great Yarmouth Mercury: A man indecently exposed himself to children near London Road South. Photo: James Carr.A man indecently exposed himself to children near London Road South. Photo: James Carr. (Image: Archant)

At around 1.45am on September 16 in Tom Crisp Way a man exposed himself to a woman in her late 50s before running off.

The man is described as white, aged in his mid 30s and wearing a dark hooded top pulled up along with dark trousers and trainers.

Jade Goodfellow lives on London Road South and said she was 'shocked' by the incident.

She said: 'I'm really surprised - I've lived here for three years and it's always been really quiet.'

Many residents were likewise appalled at such a crime taking place

Holly Battell, 24, who lives nearby, said: 'It's horrible people can't control themselves, especially around children. You never know what your child is exposed to when your back is turned.

'It makes me worried something like that happened, especially considering I have a five-year-old daughter.'

Lucy Galvin, 52, added: 'It's very disturbing this happened in such a friendly and welcoming place.

'I hope police are doing everything in their power to make people safe.

'Things like this are a sign there aren't enough support services about – behaviour like that is a symptom of a lack of support.'

Waveney District councillor Peter Byatt, who represents the Kirkley ward, admitted the incidents are 'a great worry to people living in the area'.

However he moved to reassure the community such crimes remain isolated incidents.

He said: 'I am concerned for our residents' welfare and hope this is not something to get worried about.

'I would encourage people to be cautious, the key message is to be alert but not to panic.'

Anyone with information about the incidents should contact 101, quoting crime reference 37/53131/18 or 37/53549/18.